I'm so proud of my onions. Here they are all clean and trimmed of roots and tops. There aren't very many and we go through onions pretty fast around here, so I'm not worried about long-term storage.
I've got big plans for things to make this month. Since it's almost fall I'm going to make a batch of granola with lots of walnuts and maple syrup. I've never made it before but it seems so easy that buying it is probably a waste of money, and I can customize it. RC has requested a pecan pie, and I've got my eye on a recipe for chocolate cake which includes zucchini, for which I can substitute my yellow squash.
My previous batch of dill pickle spears failed spectacularly. I made them via lacto-fermentation, and though I've had great success making sauerkraut that way, the spears were mushy and gross. So I'm going to cave to modernity and pickle them with vinegar, and just get my probiotics elsewhere. I'm also going to pickle homegrown carrots and store bought daikon together to make Vietnamese do chua which I will use to make banh mi sandwiches.